Oct 1, 2012

Weekend Fun

I spent my weekend at the seaside with my best friend. It was something I really needed, cause for the last two weeks I was on my own in the office and the phones were ringing non stop. Actually I love that, because logically this means a lot of shows, commercials, photoshoots and other jobs for my girls & boys, but I needed some time off for myself also. We were training Pilates and Gyrokinesis through the day, chillin by the pool in between and the last day we had a special dinner party. It was so much fun and this is my outfit I chose for this occasion. I hope you had a good one too! :)

- Emanuel Ungaro dress
- Jimmy Choo sandals
- Miu Miu clutch
- Marni for H&M earrings


Unknown said...

Maja vedno izgledas precudovito! Lp

Maja Bulc Raspopovic said...

Hvala lepa, Jasmina! Lp

Evelina said...

zelo lepa kombinacija, ki jo seveda znaš nositi.

Maja Bulc Raspopovic said...

Hvala lepa, Evelina! Lep dan! M.