Sep 6, 2012

Good News

I met with the girls yesterday, with which I'm gonna spend the last weekend in September. I'll let you know more on where and why, in some future post :)
We had a fun night of girl talk, laughs and spritz aperol. After a while one of them announced the happy news she's pregnant. Aaaaaaa, we were all stunned and ordered some more spritz aperol, well not for her of course :) Congratulations, you know who you are, I'm so happy for you, from all my heart. And this is what I chose to wear for this easy-going, unpredictable night out: ;)

- Alexander McQueen blazer
- Balenciaga boots
- Vintage Camellia ring


Tina said...

Maja, vse lepo in prav ampak lahko bi nas razveselila z malo boljsimi fotkami! te so res slaba kvaliteta in verjamem da bi tvoje lepe kombinacije prisle se bolj do izraza ;)


Maja Bulc Raspopovic said...

Draga Tina, se popolnoma strinjam s teboj. Vse slikam s telefonom in potem, ko se fotografija poveca, ne zgleda vec najbolje. Bom delala na tem, vendar nic ne obljubim, ker se poznam in to naredim mimogrede, zadnjo minuto preden se odpravim od doma :). Hvala za tvoje mnenje! Lp, M.